Workshop Classes

Lets Have a Meeting
Meetings … never ends or start on time !
Is it management style or cultural habits?
Did not we discuss about it in previous meetings?
Why should I join or not join this meeting?
Do we have required attendees to make decision about?
Is this subject related to meeting objective?

If You’re the Boss, Start Killing Good Ideas
I have great idea lets have a project about it!
Why we do have that much projects / project meetings around company?
Well project was great but we could not implement due to… !

Smart People Smart Questions
Gathering information is a basic human activity. Smart people do well by asking smart questions.
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Delighting customers!
When faced with their next purchase decision, whose product or service is a customer most likely to buy?
Will it be yours this time or again competitors?

Introduction to Lean Six Sigma
Starting a Lean or Six Sigma initiative at your organisation is no easy task. The task is easier, however, when you build a comprehensive deployment plan.
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